The first thing that happened to me this morning was- hiccups!! And it just would not stop. I drank water again and again till I was absolutely full and it was so disturbing. I just could not concentrate on anything. Finally, while preparing breakfast, I realized that my hiccups had stopped. Because I was paying too much attention towards it, that’s why it was disturbing me, but the moment I concentrated on something else it stopped by itself.  

Isn’t it the same with our life? The more we think about our problems, the more it overshadows us. The moment we divert ourselves towards something else, we don’t even realize that we have already moved ahead. Do not let anything in life overpower you. You are an individual being, you are good in yourself, it is not important for everybody to tell you that. You have to tell that to yourself.

Feeling sad or depressed is very easy, coming out of it is difficult. Have you ever realized, why do we feel sad? The primary reason is ‘expectation’. We expect a lot from others. We expect our parents to stand by us all the time. Our in-laws to be good to us. Our spouse to be supportive all the time, our kids to excel in everything and be obedient towards us, our friends to be helpful at the time of need.

Definitely, because we love them, so we expect from them. This creates the entire problem. Have you ever thought what do you expect from yourself? Have you set up some bar or some level to decide how should you be. We crib over small things, we get upset with petty issues happening around us without even thinking that how much energy is it draining out of us.

Is it really worth it? Our mind and body is so full of positive thoughts and energy, but most of it we waste over minute issues, quarrels or just burning ourselves from inside. If you are upset with somebody, does that person even know about it or care for it? So, what is the use of your thinking over it and wasting your energy and mood. You gradually lose patience or take out your frustration on someone else. Sometimes, you have to let go of things. You can’t explain everything to everybody. You don’t have to!! Not only move on but also you have to accept an apology in your mind from someone who you know will never acknowledge or apologize 

Just a word of praise can make your day, so why not tell it to yourself? All things cannot be perfect, all days are not bright n sunny, all nights are not cool n breezy. So why not create that perfect day for yourself? Just an ‘its OK’ towards a couple of things, just a smile instead of a frown towards people and a definite ‘I don’t care’ towards some unnecessary mess can make your life so simple.  

Expect the most out of yourself instead of others, do not burden someone or even yourself with expectations. Take up responsibilities and do your best, and……. the rest shall always rest!!!!! 

Photo by Lina Trochez on Unsplash