There comes a time in life when you have to let go of things. You have to accept it that life moves on and you have to move on with it. Thinking is a never-ending process but over-thinking definitely damages you. There are no specific boundaries to where we should think or where we should stop. It is us who has to decide this. Non acceptance is a trait which prevails in each one of us, not accepting the truth, not accepting the reality, not accepting the other person’s behavior, not accepting that things have changed and so have people. The day we start accepting things the practical way our life will be much easier.   

Let the worries go out of your life, because they are not doing any good to you.  We trouble ourselves more than the troubles do. We keep on thinking, getting tensed, taking out our frustrations on our near and dear ones and the result is- after some time you realize what a changed person you are. You are full of impatience, and the reason is…. You, yourself.  Don’t let circumstances pounce over you and crush you, just remember- you have the strength to gather yourself and that’s when you have to let go of things so that you get your peace of mind. Have faith that things will work out, maybe not how you have planned but how its meant to be. There are far better things ahead than any we leave behind. 

Just today I was talking to a friend of mine and I was complaining about my daughter that how naughty she has become, and she doesn’t listen to me at all. She jumps around the house when I call her, she refuses to listen to anything I say. I was going on and on when she interrupted me and told me to reflect back. She reminded me of the days when I used to run behind her for half an hour just to change her clothes or wait for her to settle down just to read out a story. I used to handle her so patiently all the time and that’s why she obeyed me whenever I said something.

So, it is not she who has changed, she has always been like that, the naughty one.  It’s me who has changed.  With time, with circumstances, without even trying I moved a few steps back. And what did it do to me? It just harmed me. So, thanks to my friend for making me realize this that I was clinging on to things that can’t be changed and spoiling the most important aspects of my life.  

It’s difficult, but after a stage the overstretched rubber band has to break. Hang on till you can, but move ahead before you fall.  At that point we are the ones who have to take care that it doesn’t hurt us. We are responsible for our own happiness and sorrows, so why not choose to be happy. Don’t keep on crying over something that’s broken… if you can mend it, very well and good…. If not … then LET GO before it hurts you! 

Photo by Camila Quintero Franco on Unsplash