Lost love, a wound that never mends
A pain that lingers, till the very end
Once it was pure, and filled with delight
Now it’s a memory, that haunts me at night

The laughter and joy, now replaced with tears
A heart that’s broken, with doubts and fears
Once it was fire, now just ashes remain
The love that was real, now just a refrain

Yet still I hold on, to the moments we shared
The memories of us, I keep well ensconced there
For though you are gone, your love still lives on
In the depths of my heart, it shines like a dawn

And though I must move, to a future untold
The love that we had, will always be bold
For it will endure, through the ages to come
A love that was real, forever our own.


Photo by Tommaso Pecchioli on Unsplash