Oh I just couldn’t come, I was stuck up with some really urgent work. Sorry, couldn’t complete my work guests came over….. I was just about to call you , am I late?  I will not go for my exercise today, beacuse (thoughts pouring in)  So on and so forth! The list of never ending excuses is just too long.

I would be wrong in saying that situations don’t confront you and stop you from doing something. There are times when you really cant help it or you are just bound not to do something.

But rest of the times, we just tend to give excuses because we could not do something, or fulfill a commitment . Excuses are  spontaneous, and once you start off you just cant stop. Its like a virus and sometimes you even give excuses where its not needed at all.  

We all know what we want and what we do not. Confusing your own self and others doesn’t make anything better. If you really want something you will do it… you will make way for it…. that will be your priority…. And if you don’t, then its simple that its not very important for you atleast at that moment. We don’t just give excuses to others, we give the biggest and silliest excuses to our own self. I couldn’t do it this time, I was not well….. I couldn’t finish it, because I did not get time I was so busy….. that’s where you get caught in your own trap! 

We also tend to make an excuse so that the other person doesn’t feel bad. We don’t want to do something and don’t want the other person to feel hurt so instantly ‘the guests came over’ or ‘my maid fled away’ excuse comes forth. If you don’t want to go or are late to office your car breaks down or you meet with an accident excuse is ready. You haven’t called a person since many days although you have been thinking to and just then he/she calls and the life saving statement ‘ the phone was right in my hand and I was about to call you’ is right there even before you say a ‘hello’.  I can confess this happens to me more than often 😉 

But do you know actually…. In real…. Someone once told me a sentence that  got stuck in my head….       “ we say we can’t , but what we really mean is ‘we don’t want to “. 

Since then, before giving an excuse or thinking of doing this later I think that is it my priority or am I just lazy not to do it now. We seldom think, I’ll do it later, but how sure can you be that you will have that later!!!! If you have to and you really want to do something, do it now. Make that five minutes phone call now, everybody has that much time out of 24hrs. Go meet someone if you want to, or when you know that person needs you. Do not commit a ‘yes’ when you know it’s a ‘no’, it might break somebody’s heart. When the other person expects, scolds or explains, the person cares for you, knows what you can and what you can’t.  

Maybe this is all true for me and I am the biggest example of making excuses because I ‘feel’ i might not be able to do it, but now I am making a conscious effort of giving away this habit. Procrastinating is like a drug which gets into you and doesn’t leave you that easy. So now, I shall stop giving excuses to myself because that’s where it starts from.

Make your life simple, stop giving excuses for what you don’t want to do and start doing what you want to. Make excuses or make changes, the choice is yours!  

Photo by Kristina Flour on Unsplash