I  couldn’t stop sneezing the entire day, was putting on weight, developed severe back problems, so much so that normal day to day work seemed like climbing a mountain to me. Life was such a mess. Things went worse with time, I started remaining irritated always and maintaining balance was becoming a task. I felt it was also not a justified behavior towards my daughter, losing patience easily, and many times behaving in an infuriated manner over very small things. One fine day I decided that it was high time I had to get a hold on myself, my life. 

That  same evening I went to a yoga centre whose hoarding I had seen a couple of days back. At once, the positive vibes of the place motivated me to go there. When I first went , it took me sometime to acclimatize myself with the place, my trainer and ofcourse the exercise schedule. Trust me, I am one person who starts off with things with full zeal and also gives up on them at a faster pace. Starting something and sticking to it is really difficult for me. Every morning I had to push myself to go, fighting back my thoughts of not going just today and trying to assure my mind that for sure I’ll be going tomorrow. Those body pains used to add on to my thoughts of not going, but somehow I did go. 

After a couple of weeks, I realized I am getting used to it, in-fact I was enjoying going for the classes. I saw myself getting better with the exercises. The impossible seemed to be possible now and definitely the credit goes to my teacher  Mr. Rahul Arya. He not only pushed me a little ahead of the limit till where I could go, but also gave me the confidence that all pains would vanish only if I bear with them for a while.  

Yoga is just not an exercising technique, it is something that can change your life for good. It installs patience in you, which is the greatest virtue. It soothes your mind and soul by releasing stress and filling your heart with peace. Parallel to this, when you find yourself physically fit, or atleast a step ahead from where you started, you yourself feel contended from within. It is not magic, it is no drug, it certainly takes time to burn out the fat that you accumulated in so many years or repair that wreckage caused within you. 

We never realize that we breathe every second, but if done properly could cure half of the problems in our body. Just plain , simple, breathing. How difficult can it be to breathe? You and I breathe every second, right? In the different forms of Yoga, like : Yam, Niyam, Aasan, Pranayam, Pratyahaar, Dharana, Dhyaan and Samadhi….. Aasan includes breathing and Pranayam includes the different kinds of breathing which works as a life saver by strengthening the 72,000 ‘Naadis’ within us. Our breathing also effects the seven chakras called ‘Kundalini’ in our body. 

Isn’t it amazing?  There is like so much going on within us and we are the only one who can actually control it that too with what we call the easiest thing i.e breathing. Just breathe out your stress , the negativity inside you and experience the quietness within.  But instead, we gift ourselves with unwanted problems like obesity, high blood pressure, cervical, joint pains and many more just because of our bad lifestyle. I wouldn’t deny and I am also a prey to this lifestyle disorder. But today, I am happy that I connected myself with Yoga. I am on the path of conquering my weaknesses and swamping away the barricades in my mind. Why wait till things go so bad that it is actually beyond repair. It is you who has to fix yourself. 

Feel the beautiful person within you by smiling , making yourself fit and driving the avoidable troubles out of your mind and body by intertwining with Yoga. I just did !! 

Photo by Samuel Austin on Unsplash